Training & lectures

Further training with Frame Base®:
From practice directly into your company

350,000 subscribers on YouTube and more than 60 million organic video views online.
Awarded the "YouTube Play Button" by YouTube itself.

With over a decade of experience in the new media landscape, we bring a depth of
depth of conceptual and production experience that few can match. From the early days of YouTube, Facebook and Twitter to today's landscape with TikTok, Instagram and LinkedIn, we've not only observed the evolution of platforms, but have always helped develop our clients' content.

Frame Base® lectures and training courses go far beyond traditional PowerPoint presentations:
Your employees will experience interactive sessions, practical exercises and group discussions - we don't just want to inform, we also want to inspire and motivate them to implement on their own.

Invest in the future of your business by equipping your teams with skills that are essential for success in the digital world. Our presentations and training are the key to not only keeping pace with digital transformation, but actively shaping and leveraging it.

In the digital era, the company'sinternal ability to create effective content for social media is not just an advantage - it's a necessity. necessity. Companies that equip their teams with the right tools, knowledge and strategies will have a decisive advantage over their competitors.

Training & lecture program:

Social Media

  • Social media basics
  • Social Media Advanced
  • Social Media Professional
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META Advertisements

  • Structure & design
  • Do's & Dont's
  • What works? And why?
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Insight into the workshop: "Social Media"

The strategic social media workshop for companies offers practical training and customized strategies to communicate effectively on various platforms, reach target groups and increase brand engagement. Participants will gain insights into the latest trends and tools as well as practical tips for integrating social media marketing into their business strategy.


  • Photography Basics
  • Photography Advanced
  • Photography Professional
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  • Filmmaking Basics
  • Filmmaking Advanced
  • Filmmaking Professional
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Talk to experts now.

Germany's top brands & service providers rely on Frame Base®.
Consulting, concept, implementation from a single source.

+49 621 799 4717
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Benefit from 10 years of production experience and over 450+ customer projects.
Arrange a free initial consultation today.

+49 621 799 4717
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