About The Project

We were directly commissioned by the Champalimaud Foundation and the world-renowned pancreatic expert Prof. Dr. Dr. Büchler to develop, produce and implement a comprehensive communication concept from scratch.

Prof. Dr. Dr. Büchler is one of the world's most outstanding pancreatic experts and has been awarded the German Cancer Prize. He holds numerous honorary doctorates and honorary professorships, as well as various honorary memberships in specialist societies worldwide. His list of patients includes political figures such as Hosni Mubarak and many other prominent faces.

At the turn of 2023, Prof. Dr. Dr. Büchler ended his position as Chief Physician at Heidelberg University Hospital in order to open a completely new specialist area for pancreatic cancer research and corresponding therapies in collaboration with the Champalimaud Foundation in Portugal.

This professional change was intended to create a direct means of communication between patients and the expert Prof. Dr. Dr. Büchler. It was also necessary to significantly improve the general findability of information about the specialist, as there was previously no online presence. The expert should also be recognizable as such far beyond the professional world.

Over a period of one quarter, we developed and visualized a website that was optimized in several rounds of coordination with all decision-makers. In addition to the web concept, we created a script for an image film as well as various shot lists and scripts.

In a subsequent period of five production days, our media team created various YouTube videos, all scenes for the large image film and over 8,000 portrait and "in action" photographs. At the same time, our web designer (in the Frame Base® Media Group network) converted the web concept approved by the client into an accessible website. All photography and film content on the website was designed and produced by Frame Base® for the specific purpose to ensure a consistent look and feel of the online presence.

After the go-live of the website and YouTube videos in April 2023, Frame Base® also took over the placement of the website through Google ads and the management of the corresponding advertising budgets. Since the launch of the online presence, the website has continuously generated new patient and prospect inquiries for Prof. Dr. Dr. Büchler and the Champalimaud Foundation.

The website - in combination with the new YouTube channel set up by Frame Base® - generates 2 - 3 customer inquiries a day for Prof. Dr. Dr. Markus Büchler.


Concept:: Frame Base® Media Group
Web Strategy: Frame Base® Media Group & Network
Web Implementation & SEO: Frame Base® Media Group Network
DOP: Frame Base® Media Group
Light & Grip: Frame Base® Media Group
Photography: Frame Base® Media Group
Post Production: Frame Base® Media Group
Grading: Frame Base® Media Group
Sound Design: Frame Base® Media Group