About The Project

Frame Base® has been a producer of content in the extreme sports and outdoor sector since 2014. Part of our media team consists of active skydivers, paraglider pilots and scuba divers. In 2022, when Indoor Skydiving Germany GmbH decided to build an additional indoor skydiving tunnel next to Mannheim, a collaboration between the two companies was more than obvious.

Since the opening of "Indoor Skydiving Viernheim", Frame Base® has been producing a monthly package of social media content for Indoor Skydiving Germany GmbH at regular intervals. Our services range from the joint conception of new content (Frame Base® editorial meeting) to production and post-production.

For each monthly package customer, including our partner Indoor Skydiving Germany GmbH, we create a corresponding Frame Base® content library. With the help of this content library, we continuously generate new content from existing material for our monthly package customers. Our customer thus benefits from saved production days and can fully exploit the potential of the existing material.

We designed and produced highly target group-specific social media ads for the Viernheim and Bottrop locations before the start of the Christmas season. A special feature of the production was the tailoring of the ads to the buyer groups "ads for children of the buyer" and "ads for buyers themselves".


Concept: Frame Base® Media Group
DOP: Frame Base® Media Group
Light & Grip: Frame Base® Media Group
Photography: Frame Base® Media Group Network
Post Production: Frame Base® Media Group
Grading: Frame Base® Media Group
Sound Design: Frame Base® Media Group